The Deaf are considered non-productive citizens in Guatemala. Because the deaf are typically are unable to communicate verbally, they are considered to be unable to think, create or function. But one day when Roy and Abby attended a function where there was a congressman, said congressman took notice of Abby. She is exceedingly brilliant, with a photographic memory and the ability to read and write.

Imagine how shocked the congressional committee for disability rights was then they found out that Abby is profoundly Deaf! The congressmen was so impressed by Abby’s intelligence and eloquence of speech and fluency of language that he requested that Abby attend all future meetings. Later on she was asked to chair the advisory panel for that congressional committee, tearing down barriers, changing old mindsets and making Guatemalan history! Abby is living proof that Deaf Can! In 2020 that bill became law!
Abby now serves as our Assistant Director of Operations in our Guatemala office. She served on the committee to adopt an official sign language for Guatemala, she also sat on the examination panel for interpreter certification, and she is continually busy with online classes from Bible studies to teaching sign language. Abby also trains other Deaf to teach sign language classes online, thus giving them employability skills to last a lifetime.